Cisterns and tank washing
Comparable economical analysis and estimation of efficiency of the implementation of ecologically safe universal detergent INCONTTECH® in the Russian Railway system for the purpose of washing railway cisterns for oil and oil products allow to define basic economic advantages of the considered project in comparison with traditional technological methods currently in use.
For steaming of railway cisterns for oil and oil products steam is generally used under high-pressure with further washing of cisterns by jetting with hot water that demands considerable financial, time and energy costs. To accelerate steaming process and cisterns washing in some cases various detergents are used, that contain acid, caustic, alkaline or sodium carbonate components that may damage metal surfaces and are environmentally sensitive, which, alongside with low reuse number, requires additional rinsing after washing and further utilization of spent solution. This involves considerable extra costs and strict sanctions for environmental pollution.
Most enterprises still use outdated detergents that are harmful and aggressive. INCONTTECH® detergent does not have any limitations concerning temperature conditions. As experience shows, similar (for some parameters) detergents are not working at temperature exceeding 60-70 °C, including detergents of most prominent other producers. The suggested technological solution is based on the use of technical circulating water with added INCONTTECH® for washing cisterns after steaming, that is, in accordance with existing technology. The use of this process flow diagram allows to reduce time of cisterns washing by 30-50%, thus increasing washing and steaming stations capacity and raising quality of cisterns washing.